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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Damaging Nature Of Chronic Fatigue

At first glance, you would think that the term "chronic fatigue" says it all. In medicine, any disease, disorder or illness that has the word "chronic" attached to it means that they persist for more than 6 months, either recurring or not. However, chronic fatigue means more than that.

While it seems pretty straightforward, there is actually so much more to this disorder (or disorders) than what its name suggests. It could mean anywhere from persistent headaches, flu-like symptoms or fatigue that goes on for weeks and months. Some even have to suffer for over a few years. Some never really fully recovered.

Patients normally have to suffer from flu-like sickness that does not subside from medications or rest. Also, there is some degree of debilitating exhaustion that limits one from functioning well. Many patients describe this exhaustion as being worn out even before getting up in the morning. In fact, chronic fatigue is not resolved simply by taking a nap or a longer sleep.

The reverse is often true- the lesser activities a patient performs, the higher are the chances that the illness will get worse. With chronic fatigue, a person is also constantly plagued with foggy thoughts and unstable concentration. As if to make it much worse, the person also simultaneously feels joint and muscle pains, disturbed sleep, sore throat, and general sense of absurd health.

But that is not the end of it. For some, these symptoms develop psychological stress that in turn develops anxiety, depression and irritability. These conditions pose great risks of becoming full-blown disorders if appropriate interventions are not administered.

The sad fact is, people who are affected with chronic fatigue syndrome used to be very healthy, very active individuals. They used to lead very normal lives that were free from any of the aforementioned symptoms. This makes one wonder how a perfectly healthy person – in fact one who probably had led a very active, if not exceptionally energetic life – turn into someone who is perpetually sick? Good question, but one that is difficult to answer.

There are actually no clear answers as to why chronic fatigue syndrome develops in one person and not to another. Current studies and clinical evidence however suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome can develop after contracting a serious infection or after experiencing extreme levels of stress. Having said that, there are numerous medical cases that purport to these theories, so to speak.

There are, for example, valid estimates where 96% of people who develop chronic fatigue used to actively exercise prior to the onset of the disease. Majority of the patients were also at the prime of their lives when they developed the disease. It is not surprising therefore that this disorder is coined as the "yuppie disease", because it occurs at the time when a person is supposedly healthy and full of life.

After the onset of the disease, the lives of these people are changed drastically. They get stuck in their beds and quit their jobs because it is very taxing to get up. They had to abandon their roles and obligations because they do not have even enough energy to take care of themselves. In fact, they had to live a very sedentary and weak life because they are exhausted all the time.

Indeed, life for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers is hard, oftentimes debilitating.

Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Women are 2 to 4 times more diagnosed with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome than men. However, it isn't a factor to be considered for the condition. Experts believe that it could be that more women report their conditions more than men do to the doctor. The syndrome affects most people who are in their 40s or 50s, but chronic fatigue illness is a health problem that individuals of all ages can be affected with.

The problem with this syndrome is definite risk factors are yet to be determined and confirmed by the doctors as there is no exact cause known to trigger the illness. The most common condition that affects the patient is a flu-like illness, which, in most times, drains the energy and lasts for years. And another problem with it is even the people who are previously full of energy and healthy can be targets of various chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms.

The common signs and symptoms associated to CFS are similar to typical viral infections. However, unlike these infections, they can last longer than just a few days. The tricky part is the symptoms can appear and go as frequently without identifiable pattern. The persistent fatigue is accompanied by other primary symptoms and signs. These include:

• Sore throat, expanded lymph nodes in the armpits or neck
• Muscle soreness or pains, join pains, redness or swelling
• New headache type
• Sleep disturbance
• Loss of concentration, and even memory
• Extreme physical exhaustion that lasts 24 hours following mental or physical exercise.

Other signs and symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating, allergies, chest pain, diarrhea, chronic cough, dizziness, fainting, and balance problems, dry mouth, jaw pain, nausea, irregular heartbeat, earache, night sweats and chills, weight loss/gain, breath shortage, visual disturbances, and tingling sensations. There are also psychological problems added, such as irritability, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and depression.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can also produce possible complications. They can be depression, adverse reactions and side effects from medical treatments or de-conditioning, lifestyle restrictions, social isolation, and missing work.

Most doctors, scientists, and researches believe that the patient can be diagnosed with the syndrome when a minimum of four symptoms or persistent fatigue have occurred for or over six months.

When to Ask for Medical Advice

It is time to seek medical advice when excessive fatigue or the symptoms, such as psychological disorders and infections, continue to persist. If the condition is preventing you from participating in normal daily activities, whether at home, at work or at school, you need to see a qualified doctor to give you medical attentions.

Emotional Support to the Patients

If you suffer with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, they may peak early on and can become bothersome and then gradually decrease over time. To some other patients, recovering can occur completely while others go worse. Whatever the condition of the patient, it is advised that counseling and emotional support from family and friends know how to deal with restrictions and uncertainties resulting from chronic fatigue syndrome.

The patient is best to go if they can join any support group or meet people, depending on the case, to avoid worsening the condition. But in the case that the condition is different and support groups do not make the patient comfortable, it is better to leave them alone than add to the stress.

Overcoming The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is a condition of exhaustion and lack of energy caused by several factors such as viral infection, overexertion and lack of sleep. As fatigue is a normal condition, most people have experienced fatigue at least once in their lifetimes. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after the person gets some rest. But if a person suffers from fatigue for extended periods of time, usually more than 6 months, he/she may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition of extreme and persistent fatigue that lasts for six months and more. It usually comes with several other symptoms such as muscle pain, aches in the joints, sore throat, and lack of energy. Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS usually suffer from a more serious disorder like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is hard to determine, but it is widely believed that there are three factors that trigger this debilitating disorder.

The Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

• Viral or bacterial infection – Exposure to viruses and bacteria can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of fatigue usually disappear when the infection is successfully treated.

• Overexertion – Rigorous physical activities that go beyond what the body can take results to extreme exhaustion. Athletes who are prone to over training are susceptible to this.

• Depression – Some doctors believe there is a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and stress or anxiety. People who suffer from depression are also usually afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome.

• Dehydration – Depriving the body of its daily water requirements has long-term side effects such as chronic fatigue.

• Eating disorders – Inadequate supply of vitamins and minerals in the body causes chronic fatigue since the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs to perform properly.

Now that you know what triggers chronic fatigue syndrome, the following remedies should help you overcome the symptoms of CFS.

• Have a balanced, healthy diet – Increase your intake of healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. These provide your body with vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system strong. Also increase your consumption of garlic and onion, which are known to boost the immune system. Eating more quality protein that is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 (such as fish, chicken, soy products) also helps maintain the body healthy.

Avoid food high in fat and sugar content, as they will make you prone to feeling lethargic and sluggish. Never skip breakfast and instead of having three full meals per day, go for more frequent meals but with smaller portions to keep your body's metabolism going.

• Get up and active – People afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome don't have to rest and sleep all the time. Regular exercise is advised to help combat the lethargy and lack of energy. Fifteen to thirty minutes of mild exercise combined with 30 minutes of rigorous physical activity such as swimming, aerobics and tennis can work wonders in improving your heart's performance and for proper circulation.

• De-stress – Doctors have found out that there is a strong connection between stress/anxiety and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. To avoid having chronic fatigue, it is advised to manage stress and bring stress levels down. Learning to deal with stress will not only help you combat chronic fatigue, it will also help you improve your relationships, boost your health and enhance your general outlook on life.

Overcome Chronic Fatigue With Simple Measures

Chronic fatigue is an illness that you must not take for granted. If it persists for a long time, it can lead to serious other health troubles specifically related to the immune system. In most cases, chronic fatigue is suffered by almost all people – those who have hectic schedule, bad lifestyle habit, and even those who have complete sleeping hours.

So, if you find yourself having bouts of the symptoms, perhaps it is time for you to check your lifestyle and health habits. Here are some simple yet proven ways to overcome or avoid the illness.

Keeping Healthy

Though there are other causes, fatigue and tiredness often is the result when you have chronic flu which lasts for months. The lack of proper nutrition in your body decreases the immune system; therefore, making your body weak and more susceptible to sicknesses. Vitamin C is a great booster to your immune system so include this in your diet along with healthy food intake and enough rest.

Managing Stress Level

High stress level is never good for anyone's health condition as it makes you get tired so easily. High stress level is often achieved when you are having heated arguments with another, having problems at the office, having a conflict with another that cause your anger or emotional level to rise up. When you can't manage your stress level, it is easy for you to be targeted by the chronic fatigue syndrome. But the good news is it is easy to get rid of your stress. Just try to do exercises, maybe a walk on weekends around the park or any kind of exercise regimen that will refresh and relax your body.

Avoiding Too Much Night Activities

It isn't always easy to avoid the night life. It just feels good to visit the local nightclub, search for restaurants offering unique foods, and hang out with friends. However, being up until early in the morning is never good for the body as it is meant to rest a certain amount of time. It causes fatigue the following morning especially if you are going for work or school.

Avoiding Caffeine as Energy Booster

Coffee has always been the good companion especially of people who need to wake up in the middle of the day and at night. But using it as energy booster can lead to health problems as it only gives temporary measures and can aggravate chronic fatigue condition.

Drinking Dark Chocolate

It is found at the pilot study that eating or drinking dark chocolate which has high contents of cocoa is good for overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome. This is because it contains a chemical, serotonin, which has been found to be responsible for giving benefits to the brain.

Also, dark chocolates contain polyphenols, another chemical which was found to have great benefits in reducing blood pressure. It can also provide relief to patients who suffer with chronic fatigue. So, instead of coffee, you may opt to take dark chocolate into your diet to help overcome your fatigue problems.

Chronic fatigue is an illness that one must never neglect as it can lead to more serious problems. Avoiding it to go serious by taking the above simple ways will bring significant impact to your life. Living a simpler life is always one effective way of leading a healthy lifestyle, free of illnesses, which not to mention, can be very expensive to attend to.

Natural Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

To experience fatigue is a normal occurrence in one's life. Most people experience fatigue especially after doing some strenuous activities. These instances of fatigue only happen when we overexert ourselves. The feeling of exhaustion is usually relieved after we get some much-needed rest. However, people with chronic fatigue syndrome suffer from fatigue, as well as a number of other symptoms, for a long period of time, usually over six months.

Although the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is difficult to determine, it is believed that one of the factors that trigger it is viral infection. People suffering from CFS usually exhibit symptoms that also occur in viral infections such as flu: sore throat, headache, muscle and joint aches, etc.

There is no known cure for viruses, as drugs such as antibiotics cannot cure them. Consequently, there is also no known cure yet for chronic fatigue syndrome. But people suffering from viral infections can combat these viruses by boosting their immune system. Because chronic fatigue syndrome has a strong link to viral infection, boosting the immune system by using natural remedies is one of the best ways to at least relieve some of the symptoms if not overcome the condition.

The following natural remedies are highly recommended to patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome:

1.) Include more vegetables and fruits into your diet – A nutritious and balanced diet is an excellent way to maintain health and combat illnesses. By eating more green leafy vegetables, whole grains and fruits, your body is nourished with vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system.

2.) Eat more high-quality protein – Food such as fish, soy products, nuts and chicken are good sources of quality protein that are low in saturated fat and help maintain a good healthy body. Chicken and fish are also good sources of omega 3, 6 and 9.

3.) Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day – Our body is 70% water and drinking 8-10 glasses of water helps cleanse the body and keep it hydrated.

4.) Add more garlic and onion into your diet – Onion and garlic are known for their virus-inhibiting abilities. They can be taken either raw or cooked. Supplements that contain garlic and onion can also be taken as an alternative if you don't like the taste of these two healthful bulbs.

5.) Exercise regularly – Adding exercises and other physical activities into your daily routine can do wonders for you. Having CFS doesn't mean all you need to do is rest all day. People with CFS are usually lethargic and easily tired. To fight the lethargy, keeping the body active is important. Doing 15-30 minutes of mild exercise and another 30 minutes of vigorous physical activities such as aerobics, tennis, swimming and brisk walking can help your body function better and your heart healthier and stronger.

Stretching and other relaxation exercises can also help you manage stress, which intensifies chronic fatigue. However, before you start any exercise routine, consult your doctor and ask for his advice.

6.) Take herbal supplements to fight CFS – There are several herbal medicines you can take to help you manage chronic fatigue syndrome. Echinacea root is known as an immune system booster. It is available in tablet/capsule form and as tea. Ginseng root is believed to restore vitality and increase energy.

In Asian countries, it is even known as an aphrodisiac. Licorice, pokeroot and golden seal are also helpful in combating chronic fatigue syndrome.

More Herbal Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is widely believed that chronic fatigue syndrome is linked with viral infections despite the fact that doctors have yet to determine the exact cause of this debilitating ailment. In fact, most of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome such as extreme exhaustion, muscle pains, tenderness in the joints, severe headache and lack of energy are also symptoms found in various viral infections such as flu.

Thus, to help combat the symptoms of CFS, it is important to stop the progress of these viruses and keep the immune system strong to help prevent future viral infections.

When it comes to boosting the immune system, one of the best ways is to go natural – meaning, to turn to natural alternative remedies such as herbs. Aside from Korean ginseng, astragalus, ginkgo biloba, echinacea and licorice root, there are several other herbal remedies that individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome can try.

Most of these herbal remedies are easily available. Here are some of them:

Siberian ginseng – This herb increases the body's resistance to stress and fatigue as well as several diseases. It is also widely praised for its efficacy in increasing mental alertness. It also has strong antioxidant properties. These make Siberian ginseng a recommended herbal remedy for the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, it is important to use a standardized Siberian ginseng extract that contains 0.5% eleutheroside E and take 100-200 milligrams two times daily since the herb has its optimal potency at this dosage. It is best to take Siberian ginseng once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Garlic – Since ancient times, garlic has been known for its antibiotic properties. It contains the chemical alicin, which helps kill many types of bacteria and viruses. Garlic also has antioxidant effects. Garlic can be taken either raw or cooked. If you don't like the taste of garlic, you can also choose supplements that have high garlic content.

Burdock – A type of thistle, burdock is known for its diuretic and diaphoretic properties. It is also known as a blood-purifying agent. Taking burdock is an excellent way to flush away the toxins that cause several disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, the greater burdock is also used extensively especially for treating dandruff and hair loss.

Carrot juice with kelp and bee pollen – This combination creates an excellent tonic drink that is perfect for boosting your energy level whenever you feel the effects of fatigue wear you down. This combination is highly recommended as a perk-me-up for individuals with low-blood pressure.

Goldenseal – This herb is used widely to control infections. In cases of sore throat, goldenseal extracts are recommended to help soothe it. All you have to do is to take a few drops of goldenseal extract – the alcohol-free variety – and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. However, it is advised that goldenseal should not be taken on a daily basis for more than a week. Pregnant women should also not sue goldenseal. For individuals with history of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, it is important to consult your doctor first and use goldenseal under your doctor's supervision.

Cat's claw – This herb is known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Ideal dosage is 250 mg of standardized cat's claw extract taken thrice daily with gradual increases in dosage over a period of four weeks until you reach a thousand milligrams taken three times per day.

Cat's claw is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Individuals using anticoagulant are also advised to use cat's claw with caution.

How To Live A Healthy Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Imagine a lifetime of sickness, of perpetual headaches and of endless flu-like illness. Imagine being unable to walk from your bed to the couch because of too much exhaustion. Imagine being locked up in your house, unable to go to work to earn a living. Well, that sums up life for most sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a disorder both of the mind and the body. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, CFS also afflicts the immune system which makes an individual become very sickly. It also affects one's threshold to physical activities, thus making an individual feel worn out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, it limits a person to very minimal activities which make him incapable of holding a job.

With these realities, it is hard to imagine how one can live a normal, healthy life while suffering from chronic fatigue. But can a normal life materialize if you are continuously bothered by the symptoms of this disease? Most likely yes. Below are some of the things that one can do to limit the negative effects of the disease on yourself and on your life.

Remove the diets that spell disaster - It is easy to sabotage one's health these days by just following the average American's sense of food proportions, by consuming too much processed foods and by eating too many flour- and sugar-based foods. Sugar is notorious for killing the diets of Americans and so are flour, transfat, processed foods, etc. These types of foods are accounted for numerous diseases that upset health.

Since these foods take up so much space on the plate, nothing is left for foods with high nutritive values anymore. And for people suffering from CFS, it is crucial to maintain a certain level of nutrition in the body. So always try to eat healthy foods, this would lessen some of the biggest problems concerning your condition such as infection and weakened immune system.

Conquer Chronic Fatigue - If you are a sufferer of CFS, you understand that it is easier to stay in bed than to work around the house when you are seriously exhausted. However, it is important to maintain some form of physical activity. Try not to give in to exhaustion and incorporate activity to your daily life. Eventually, you would be able to exercise without getting too worn out.

Win over the illness mentality - In the face of chronic diseases, it is a lot more convenient to let negative thoughts defeat you. Try to picture a life free from chronic fatigue and try to make that picture your goal. Think that your condition is just a state of mind and changes in thinking would liberate you from the troubles of your disease. If you use this technique, which is actually a sound psychotherapeutic technique called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you would not only help alleviate the symptoms of your condition but you can also prevent these from bothering you again.

Discover techniques that can treat your condition - Since the cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is yet to be established, you might as well discover one for yourself. There are actually treatment techniques that you can formulate for yourself as bases of your self-care system.

These can be made from careful observation of activities and treatments that you respond well to.

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has varying levels of severity. Some people only experience lack of peaceful sleep, intermittent headaches and overwhelming exhaustion while other people experience anywhere from 4 to 30 full-blown symptoms which occur simultaneously. While there are a lot of symptoms oftentimes associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there are a few that are commonly reported by patients. Among them are the following:

Overwhelming fatigue – People with this syndrome wake up like they just got hit by a truck and feel worn out all day. There are, however, periods which run from a few hours to several hours a day when they feel a bit better. What most of them try to do during these periods is to make up from the lost time they stayed rested in the bed. This backfires on them and they rebound to being exhausted. Whenever they try to do physical activities or exercises, they would get drained easily and would feel worse the next day.

Recurrent infections – Among the major symptoms of CFS is infection which may manifest as sore throat, recurrent sinusitis, bladder infection, swollen glands and other respiratory infections. Some patients experience recurrent rash that may or may not go away with antibiotics. Digestive complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and gas are also very common which are caused basically by the build-up of yeast in the bowel, or by parasitic infection or by spastic colon.

Brain Fog – While overwhelming fatigue is one of the most debilitating symptoms a patient of CFS can experience, the scariest, however, is brain fog. Not a few patients complain of this symptom which may affect their short term memory, their concentration, and their ability to substitute words with another. Some of them also experience brief disorientation which may last anywhere from half a minute to one minute.

Frequent Aches and Pains – Muscle pain and multiple joint pains are very common among CFS patients. These are said to be products of lack of sufficient rest or disordered sleep, yeast infections, impaired thyroid glands and lack of nutrition in the body.

Increased thirst – Patients of CFS drink two to three times more water than average individuals. This is caused by hormonal problems which lead to increased urine output.

Allergies – Because of yeast overgrowth and other conditions occurring in the body of a fatigue patients, allergies and food sensitivities are very common. By removing the causes, of course, the allergies can be removed. However, these patients have histories of poor response towards allergy medications.

Weight gain – With or without change in diet, fatigue patients experience 20 to 50 pounds weight gain. Apart from lack of activities, the packing up of pounds is also contributed by hormonal changes.

Depression and anxiety – The development of these psychological problems push healthcare providers back to the classic chicken and egg question: does fatigue cause anxiety and depression or is it a product of these psychological conditions? As of yet, no one is certain. It is proposed, however, that some factors are instrumental in aggravating these conditions including poor nutrition and general sense of illness.

Reduced libido – Because of hormonal deficiencies, pain and the general feeling of being sick, people affected by CFS have decreased libido. Fortunately, this improves through medication and therapy.

You probably have recognized yourself from reading the above list. If you think you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it would be in your best interest to consult a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable in this disorder.

Herbal Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Are you suffering from unexplained exhaustion that lasts for more than six months and accompanied by several other symptoms such as sore throat, muscle and joint aches, lack of energy, short-term memory loss and severe headache? There's a high chance you are afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors have yet to discover the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS, but it is widely believed that a number of factors help trigger this debilitating disorder. Immune deficiency is on top of this list.

The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also classic symptoms of viral infections such as flu. And just as viral infections have no known cure yet, there is also no known cure for CFS. However, there are many ways to treat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and help alleviate the discomfort and illnesses that the patient suffers from.

Since chronic fatigue syndrome is most likely caused by viral infections, it is thus important to keep the immune system strong. Herbal remedies are becoming more popular as more people discover the wondrous effects of natural herbs in promoting health and fighting different types of viruses. For combating chronic fatigue syndrome, the following herbal treatments are recommended.

Ginkgo Biloba – This herb is known to improve circulation and brain function. Taking ginkgo biloba can help with memory and cognitive impairments that is one of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Korean Ginseng – Long used in the orient to boost energy (and sometimes as an aphrodisiac), Ginseng also strengthens the immune system and fight viral infections. It also helps alleviate the harmful effects of stress. Just use with caution, though, because this herb is quite powerful. If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, do not use ginseng. Consult an herbalist first if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine and similar stimulants.

Echinacea – This powerful herb prevents pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from entering the body and causing several disorders. It basically protects the cells from infections. Recommended dosage is to take about fifteen to twenty drops in liquid form for thrice daily for two days. This is approximately 300 – 325 mg taken thrice daily.

Astragalus - One of the most effective herbs to strengthen the immune system, astragalus encourages the production of white blood cells that help fight off and get rid of pathogens that have entered the body. Astragalus is effective in treating flu and head colds but should not be administered if the individual is also suffering from a fever. Recommened dosage of Astragalus is 150-250 mg taken three to four times daily.

Licorice root –This herb is known primarily for its efficacy in relieving cough and as an expectorant. But licorice is also effective in purging out toxins from the body. Licorice root also supports the endocrine system. However, it is not advisable to take this herb for more than seven days in a row. If you have high blood pressure, do not take licorice root. If you plan on using licorice for extended periods, make sure you also increase your intake of foods rich in potassium.

Like all other medications, it is important to use proper dosage when using these herbal remedies to achieve the best effects. It is also best to consult a doctor and a herbalist to help you identify which herbs works best and how much dosage you should take.

Herbal Regimen For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the more enigmatic disorders today. Characterized by conditions of extreme exhaustion lasting for a prolonged period of time, chronic fatigue syndrome also comes with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, tenderness of the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, impaired short memory, and severe headache. The underlying causes of this debilitating disease are not yet known.

Researchers have theorized that CFS might be caused by viral infections. This is supported by the fact that CFS and symptoms of flu are quite similar. However, rest and medication can relieve flu. Unfortunately, there is no known cure yet for chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatments and medications for CFS are mostly aimed at relieving the various symptoms that accompany a CFS attack. Doctors use a combination of non-drug therapies and medications to treat the symptoms of CFS.

Many doctors advocate the use of natural and herbal remedies to treat CFS. Herbal medicines have been used for centuries to treat various diseases. An herbal regimen for chronic fatigue syndrome may include tonics to help boost the immune system, increase the body's energy level, improve digestive efficiency and restore strength to the muscles. Foods that help the body increase its absorption of minerals are also recommended. There are also deep immune tonics that strengthen the body's supply of bone marrow and replenish the immune reserves.

Adrenal tonics and adaptogens also help boost the adrenal glands to enhance the body's energy level and fight off stress. Antiviral herbs can be used to combat opportunistic viral infections, especially when combined with immune and adrenal strengthening herbs. Herbs can also be used to relax the nervous system and improve sleep. Some herbs have been used for ages to soothe frazzled nerves and combat stress. Here are some herbs that can be used to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome:

• Dang Gui – This herb is a small, aromatic, fern-leafed plant native to China and related to the parsley family is best known for its blood strengthening properties. It revitalizes the blood and is also known to boost the health of the uterus and other female generative organs. Dan Gui is used to treat anemia, irregular menstruation, and for treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Dang Gui can be taken in various forms: tincture, capsule, tablet, powder and bulk herb.

• Gentian – This is a bitter tonic that acts as a digestive stimulant. It is usually taken15-30 minutes before meals and is typically combined with other herbs. Studies have reveled that gentian has immune-strengthening properties. It is usually given to patients to help in the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, enhancement of energy levels and improvement of immune function.

• Ligustrum – This herb can be used as a deep immune tonic to strengthen the immune system and fight off the harmful effects of overwork and stress. It is also used to nourish the liver and the adrenal glands and as a treatment for nausea, low back pain and palpitations. Ligustrum is even used in cancer treatments because of its potency.

• Siberian Ginseng – This herb has immune-regulating and adaptogenic properties. This makes Siberian ginseng a good treatment for fatigue, exhaustion, immune deficiency and other stress-related disorders. As an adaptogen, Siberian ginseng helps patients adapt to stress. This herb is also helpful in treating chronic inflammatory conditions. Taking Siberian ginseng also helps increase energy levels.

Fighting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Nutrition

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition where the patient suffers from extreme exhaustion that lasts for a prolonged period of time – usually more than 6 months – and comes with several other symptoms. Aside from suffering from unexplained fatigue even with minimal physical activity, chronic fatigue syndrome patient also exhibits the following symptoms: muscle pains, tenderness and swelling in the joints, recurring sore throat, impaired concentration and short term memory, severe headaches and un-refreshing sleep.

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is yet to be discovered. This makes CFS very difficult to manage, as there are no known cures for it yet. Some patients are able to relieve the symptoms of CFS by using prescription drugs as well as some over the counter medications. However, these medications have varying degrees of success. Sometimes, they have little positive effect at all. Still, there are several holistic and alternative treatments that provide CFS patients with options to combat this debilitating disorder.

Since symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also classic symptoms of many viral infections, doctors and specialists recommend treatments that strengthen the immune system. Receiving proper nutrition is an excellent way to boost the immune system, improve the body's functions and increase the patient's energy levels to overcome the malaise that comes with a CFS attack.

Here are the vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system:

• B Vitamins – Vitamin B-12 is one of the most important vitamins. It helps in the production of red blood cells as well as DNA and the myelin sheath that surround nerve cells. Receiving the proper amounts of Vitamin B-12 helps in maintaining the body's energy level as well as keeping the central nervous, gastrointestinal, immune and cardiovascular systems healthy. People with vitamin B-12 deficiency suffer from reduced energy levels, impaired memory and concentration, as well as several gastrointestinal problems. These are also symptoms that appear during an attack of chronic fatigue syndrome. The B Vitamins folic acid and pantothenic acid are known to help treat fatigue. Increasing the intake of these vitamins can have beneficial effects for chronic fatigue syndrome patients.

• Omega-3 Fatty Acids – These fatty acids are very essential to health. Unfortunately, the human body does not produce it naturally. Taking Omega-3 Fatty Acids can help reduce blood pressure, decrease triglyceride levels, reduce the occurrence of arrhythmias, and stem the growth of plaque in the walls of the arteries. Again, the symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency are closely related to symptoms of CFS: fatigue, poor memory, depression, heart problems and poor circulation.

• Sodium – This mineral is necessary to keep the body's fluid balances. People suffering from CFS may actually have very low levels of sodium in their bodies. Having the right amount of sodium can have beneficial effects for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. However, patients must consult their doctors first to have their sodium levels tested.

• Other Minerals – There are several minerals that are beneficial for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Chromium helps patients manage their blood sugar. Magnesium and potassium aspartates are known to help decrease fatigue in various clinical studies. Magnesium deficiency interferes with the Krebs cycle, which is responsible for transforming nutrients to energy. So ensuring the proper supply of magnesium in the body is a good way to combat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Exercise Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Many doctors and specialists consider exercise as an important and effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. People with chronic fatigue syndrome are trapped in a downward spiral. They suffer from extreme exhaustion and muscle pains, thus the need to have as much rest as possible. However, having too much rest leads to a sedentary lifestyle which has several detrimental effects to the body. Decreased physical activity leads to muscle wasting and loss of bone mass. But regular exercise can help stop that downward trend and replace it with more positive cycle.

Exercise has a number of benefits. Starting a regular exercise routine leads to increased performance and strengthened muscles. This, in turn results to a more optimistic outlook. Research has also revealed that exercise helps combat anxiety and depression. This may be the result of a combination of the release of endorphins (the body's natural pain killers) and the sense of fulfillment at being able to improve the body's functions. Exercise also helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome should first consult their doctor to determine if they are fit and ready to perform strenuous physical activities such as exercise. To embark on an exercise program without ascertaining if the patient is ready for it can be very dangerous. A patient should first get the approval of his/her doctor before attempting any form of strenuous exercise.

They can then start with gentle exercise routines that will be slowly and gradually increased in intensity and frequency. A physical therapist can also be hired to develop an exercise program that is custom-fit for the patient and his particular condition.

Some good exercise routines for people with chronic fatigue syndrome include swimming, walking, aerobic exercises, rowing machine, and riding a stationary bike. Activities that worsen fatigue and the other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome should be avoided. These include weightlifting, playing basketball, etc. Meanwhile, stretching and other relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises and more are helpful in stimulating lymph flow and producing a sense of well-being in the patient without overexertion.

For an exercise program to be effective, it should become a regular activity. Ideally, a person should exercise daily. When starting an exercise program, the duration and frequency can be as little as five minutes per day or even less. Every week, the duration can be increased by increments of several minutes. The patient can progress from five minutes to a full hour or more of exercise per day within a few months.

The patient must exercise caution at all times to prevent overexertion, which can lead to worsening of the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Overdoing exercise when the patient isn't feeling well can lead to an overall performance decline. If the patient overexerts himself, this will inevitably result to several days of muscle pain, which necessitates rest. When this happens, the patient might relapse into that downward trend of non-activity and sedentary lifestyle.

Recent studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have a rather distorted perception of muscular activity. They might not be able to determine how much exercise they have already done or when it is time to stop and rest.

If the goal of exercise is to regain muscle strength, it is very important to get the advice and approval of a doctor or specialist before starting on an exercise program.

Exercise And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a disorder characterized by extreme and prolonged exhaustion combined with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, headache, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be discovered and it may take years before the individual can recover from the ailment.

Sometimes, the CFS victims suffer recurring bouts with CFS through their lifetime. Because the exact cause of CFS is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for this illness yet. Non-drug treatments and medications are primarily to relieve the many symptoms of CFS.

One of the non-drug therapies put forward by doctors, as a treatment for CFS, is exercise. However. Medical opinion is still divided on whether exercise can actually help improve or worsen the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some doctors believe that mild exercise can be helpful in overcoming CFS. Others warn against any form of aerobic activity that can aggravate CFS.

Exercise can be a problem for people with chronic fatigue syndrome because strenuous physical activity can worsen the symptoms of CFS such as muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness of the joints. While exercise is important in maintaining health and wellness, it can become dangerous for people with chronic fatigue. But a recent study released by the British Medical Journal has revealed that proper patient education on chronic fatigue syndrome combined with a supervised exercise program can help improve the symptoms of CFS.

Still, people with CFS typically find it difficult to perform basic activities such as walking let alone do rigorous physical activities such as aerobic exercise. During an onset of chronic fatigue, the patient may be bedridden. They usually feel better after some time and may attempt to do regular exercise. However there is danger that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may relapse once the individual attempts aerobic activity.

Muscular activity causes lactic acid to be produced in the muscles. This chemical by-product leads to fatigue. Research says that exercise can worsen the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome because it sets off production of excess lactic acid in the muscles. Recent studies reveal that people with CFS actually produce twice the amount of lactic acid than people without chronic fatigue syndrome. Researches believe that their findings suggest a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and an error in the body's energy metabolism.

Researchers are also looking at a link between chronic fatigue and low levels of potassium electrolytes. A deficiency in potassium supply usually causes chronic fatigue. The bulk of the body's potassium supply is in the muscle tissue as well as the brain, blood and internal organs. Studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have actually less total body potassium compared to healthy people of the same weight and age.

On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can also cause a whole range of health problems for people with CFS. These include loss of bone mass, muscle wastage or atrophy, and increased vulnerability to obesity and cardiovascular disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome should have a gentle approach to physical activity.

There should only be minute increases in the frequency, intensity and duration of the exercise program to prevent any detrimental effects to the health and well-being of the chronic fatigue syndrome patient.

Do You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Taking care of one's health is the best thing that one can do to avoid all the physical illnesses. It may be painful to some to do it but it is in fact the simplest way if you don't want to be affected with health disturbances. One of the most common illnesses that people complain about is the CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is sometimes called post-viral fatigue, Epstein-Barr or myalgic encephalomyelitis disease. At other times, this is referred to as the chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, or simply CFIDS. This CFS illness is often considered yuppie flu, or hypochondriacal behavior. Recently, health experts agreed that the illness is distinct and has physical symptoms.

The most common symptom is an unexplained fatigue feeling, in which it can not be easily relieved by some rest. Other physical symptoms are:

• Muscle or joint pains or weakness
• Unexplained headaches
• Bowel problems
• Poor concentration
• Confusion
• Forgetfulness
• Difficulty in sleeping
• Poor temperature control
• Arthritis
• Fibromyalgia

Some Causes

It was never understood what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. However, there are conditions which believed to trigger chronic fatigue syndrome such as toxins and virus infection. In some studies, the disease can be related to physical inactivity, immune system problems, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, overwork, stress, hormonal imbalance, brucellosis, and colitis. Regardless, chronic fatigue syndrome is not a simple health case that can be ignored as it can provide major disturbance on the patient's quality of life.

Not Easy to Diagnose

It is often hard to detect if one is suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome. In many cases, it would go for years before a patient is found to have the illness. The reason is there are not any laboratory tests that can confirm or diagnose such illness. The diagnosis can only be made if the patient exhibits no other causes, including drugs' side effects.

If the patient suffers four from the eight symptoms stated below, they can be diagnosed with chronic fatigue illness.

• Short-term memory impairment or difficulty in concentration
• Tender lymph node
• Sore throat
• Multi-joint pains
• Muscle pains
• Headaches
• Un-refreshing sleep; and
• Fatigue that lasts more than a day.

If four, or more, of the above symptoms are suffered by the patient for six consecutive months, they will be officially and medically diagnosed with the syndrome. Otherwise, the condition will be most diagnosed as another illness, the idiopathic chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome may not sound serious to others, but this can be frustrating illness to others as the effects can be so much troublesome to most especially it entails daily life style. What is worse about is it can affect people of all walks of life, whether children or adult.

The problem with diagnosis is also the reason why there is no known exact number of people suffering from the syndrome. Only an estimation of half million Americans were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Women are found to suffer more than men, though the statistic is not clear whether the illness affects more women due to a different condition and lifestyle or if only that women report their condition more than men do.

Regardless of which, it is always advised that proper health care is practiced all the time as it is one way to avoid CFS, or any illness, for that matter.

Complementary And Alternative Medicine For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Controlling the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is no longer restricted to changes in lifestyle, medications and behavioral therapies. There are in fact current treatment modalities that make use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Since many conventional treatments do not guarantee absolute success, alternative medicine, for most people, prove to be very attractive treatment options. Below are some of the most common complementary and alternative treatments used in relieving patients from the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In Asia, ginseng is a popular herbal treatment for fatigue as well as in increasing energy which is basically what patients of CFS need. It turns out, the claims around this ancient energy booster herb hold water even when tested through contemporary research. Based on the study conducted by the University of Iowa, ginseng is among the more reliable and effective herbs for CFS. An independent study conducted in California further proved that ginseng is a powerful herb for treating CFS.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH)
In a pioneering study conducted among chronic fatigue patients, it was proven that Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, more commonly known as NADH, helps in providing extra energy for CFS patients.

Carnitine, a substance found in almost all living cells, has the main function of transporting fatty acids to the powerhouse or the mitochondria of cells. This substance, in a way, is instrumental in the production of cellular energy. Carnitine supplements are helpful to CFS patients since it is found out that among these people, Carnitine levels are very low which is linked to some types of pain, muscle fatigue and decreased tolerance to physical exertion. Supplementation, therefore, can help fix low Carnitine levels.

Carnitine supplements, in general, work well with patients of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However high dosage of these supplements may lead to side effects such as diarrhea, rashes, increased appetite and body odor.

Coenzyme Q10 or Co Q10
This is another compound that is found in the energy-producing organelle of the cells- the mitochondria. It is known to play roles in the production of ATP, a chemical compound which produces energy used during muscle contraction.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
DHEA is a type of hormone that is released by the adrenal glands. Small quantities of DHEA are also found in the testes and the ovaries where it is converted into testosterone and estrogen. This hormone plays a great deal in the regulation of sleep, moods and memory. Among patients of chronic fatigue syndrome, this hormone is found in abnormally lower levels. Supplements are therefore needed to normalize these levels. However there are downsides to using DHEA supplements.

Since this hormone is converted into testosterone and estrogen, conditions that are controlled by these hormones may be affected. It is therefore very important that DHEA supplements are used only with doctor's prescription and supervision.

The substances discussed above are potentially helpful in relieving the symptoms of CFS, especially fatigue. However, it should be remembered that although these come from natural sources, the "natural" factor does not guarantee that the substance is safe. These substances can potentially interfere with other medications and may pose serious danger to the health of individuals who are taking them without sufficient professional assistance.

Having said that, there are other options that are outright safe such as breathing therapy, relaxation therapies, movement therapies, acupuncture and ayurdeva.

Chronic Fatigue Treatment Options

Patients of CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome respond differently to various treatments. Some of them recover after drastic changes in lifestyle, some of them are more responsive to pharmacological treatments. Here are the most common treatment modalities to which CFS patients are subjected and to which most of them respond well.

Self-Care/Management Techniques
Some patients can facilitate self-care treatments. This can be done by monitoring the level and pacing of activities such that prolonged and extreme levels of exhaustion are prevented. This can also be done by preventing the urge to rest. Since CFS is not relieved through rest, regardless of the duration, health care professionals do not advise the patients to rest excessively. Some form of physical activity must be maintained. This is oftentimes recommended by the physician. When trying to manage the symptoms of the disorder by yourself, it is best to keep the pacing and the level of the activities under control. Otherwise, symptoms may occur at a more debilitating rate.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psychological therapy that delivers relief of symptoms but not necessarily cure. This helps the patients understand their conditions and can therefore better guide them in forming their beliefs, perception and attitudes towards the syndrome. It is believed that through a more accurate depiction of the condition, the patient can better respond to the symptoms and they can cause lesser inhibition of the recurrence of their symptoms.

Graded Exercise Therapy
This therapy involves the introduction of incremental changes in the patients' levels of activity. While concrete evidence are yet to be established, many experts believe that integration of activities is very important in managing the disease. Under this therapy then, the patient will have to monitor his own activities and exercises. As the therapy progresses, he moves to higher intensities until he gets back to the doing activities he normally participated in prior to the onset of the condition.

Pharmacological Treatments
Managements of the conditions through pharmacological treatments can involve the following medications:

Antidepressants are primarily used to manage mood swings and secondary depression. Low dosage antidepressants, on the other hand, are helpful in managing sleep disturbance and pain.

Autonomic nervous system stimulants are used to help improve concentration and short-term memory which are greatly affected by the disorder.

NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs are prescribed to CFS patients to relieve them from muscle and joint pains.

Anxiolyticagents are used to target symptoms of anxiety.

CAM or Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The use of dietary supplements in managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is central in alleviating the symptoms of CFS. According to some pilot studies, supplements of Carnitine, essential fatty acids, Magnesium and polynutrient supplements have shown strong indications of symptom reduction among patients.

Because the origins of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are not yet fully understood, treatment options are more directed to managing the symptoms and not really in curing the disorder. The main objective in producing relief from symptoms is to reinstate the conditions of the person as well as his well-being prior to the onset of the disorder.

As a result, majority of sufferers do not fully recover and even if they do, they recover gradually. For people who expect better and faster recovery, frustrations often ensue which for most of the cases, worsen the condition. It is therefore recommended to undergo a treatment at a very slow but well-managed pace.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Overview

With no known definite cause, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a popular name for a disorder or group of disorders with varying debilitating effects on the individual which persist for at least 6 months. According to some sources, the syndrome results from an infection. As of yet though, the syndrome is not yet fully understood although it is quite a common disorder.

The onset of CFS is usually characterized by sudden occurrence of symptoms which are somewhat similar to the symptoms accompanying flu. It is believed to begin with an infection caused by non-viral and viral pathogens which trigger subsequent symptoms. In a smaller fraction of patients, the onset begins after exposure to prolonged extreme levels of stress. Thus, it is believed that CFS can begin either from high levels of stress or infection. Current studies are focused on investigating on these causation models.

Although there are no definite causes to chronic fatigue syndrome, there are however, known conditions that are closely related to the development of the syndrome. They are as follows:

1. Chlamydia pneumoniae, a bacterium which causes pneumonia and related illness.

2. EBV or Epstein-Barr virus which causes mononucleosis or the kissing disease, a very common respiratory disease that has symptoms resembling flu.

3. Onset of serious case of bronchitis and diarrhea.

4. Continuous subjection to stress, both physical and mental.

There are two criteria in determining the presence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They are as follows:

1. Unexplainable chronic fatigue is experienced for more than 6 months and all other diseases and disorders that can lead to long term experience of fatigue have been ruled out by your health care provider. This fatigue does not root from physical exertion and cannot be relieved by rest.

2. The presence of four of the following symptoms: a) decreased cognitive function or chronic impairment of short-term memory, b) fatigue that is not relieved through rest, c) muscle pains or myalgia, d) severe headaches, e) prolonged sickness and exhaustion, f) recurring and frequent sore throat, g) joint pains without redness or inflammation, and f) abnormal lymph nodes with notable tenderness.

Treatment Options
There are several ways of managing the disorder but there is no one universal treatment option that is recommended for all patients. For some patients, dietary changes, changes in lifestyle, use of pain killers, physiotherapy, medications and Complementary and Alternative Medicine work. The most common unconventional treatment modalities are CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Graded Exercise Therapy.

The average recovery rate of untreated patients is pegged at 5%. On the other hand, those patients who have received a number of treatments are 40% more likely to benefit from full recovery.

Due to the absence of concrete and definite parameters for identifying people with CFS, it is quite hard to determine the exact number of people who are affected by this disorder. Estimates range from 75-420 people in every 100,000 people have this disorder. Women are more susceptible to developing this disorder by 20% although there are strong indications that this disparity is due to unreported cases among men.

The syndrome occurs across all ages but is more common among people aged 40 to 59 years old. It is found across genders and ethnic backgrounds. It is also seen to run in the family.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between normal fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Nothing much on the first few days. Normal fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion which is usually caused by physical exertion, mental stress and sickness.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, on the other hand, is a group of symptoms or conditions that result to various other symptoms such as decreased mental acuity and flu-like illness and excessive fatigue. A type that will not afford its sufferers with enough energy to move freely. The difference between the two is demonstrated once full-blown symptoms occur and when they last for at least 6 months, that's when it becomes chronic.

• What are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

There are various symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and in order to determine the presence of this condition, a patient must possess at least four of the following: post-exertional malaise which persists for more than 24 hours, muscle pains, joint pain, sleep difficulties or sleep that does not lend energy to the individual, frequent severe headaches, sore throat that is persistent and recurring, decreased mental clarity, poor memory and impaired concentration, and tenderness of the lymph nodes that are located in the neck and armpit.

• What are the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

While the exact causes of CFS are not yet identified, there are strong indications that cause can be divided into three types: immune system-related, viral and non-viral pathogens and stress-related. There are also indications that CFS is triggered by the combination of these causes. For some people, the onset of the condition begins after contracting an infection; for others it begins after a prolonged period of exposure to stress.

There are also some patients who had weakened immune system which made it easier for the symptoms to develop and progress to worse conditions. Current studies are trying to find out whether genetics, emotional distress and immunological conditions are related with the disorder.

• Is there a cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

As of yet, cures for CFS are still being developed. Thus, treatment for the condition is basically focused on alleviating the symptoms.

• What are the treatment options?

There are several types of treatment options available for patients of CFS which are roughly divided into four categories: medical treatments, alternative treatments, supportive treatments and lifestyle alterations. Under medical treatments are the medications and drugs that are prescribed to alleviate symptoms such as pains, headaches and psychological stress caused by CFS. These include pain relievers, NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Anxiolyticagents, Autonomic nervous system stimulants and antidepressants.

Natural, herbal and hormone supplements are commonly used under alternative medicine. Relaxation techniques and behavioral techniques are used in supportive treatments while lifestyle alterations basically help patients change some aspects of their lives to establish relief from debilitating symptoms.

• How is diagnosis made?

Since there are no laboratory, diagnostic and medical examinations and tests that are used in the diagnosis of CFS, health care providers use the principle of exclusion in determining the presence of the condition. Through this method, all diseases, illnesses and conditions that are known to have symptoms similar with CFS are ruled out. Diagnosis is only made once the symptoms of the patients match with the case definition.

• Where can I get help?

You can get help from health care providers who are knowledgeable in diagnosing and treating CFS are the best people patients could go to. Support groups for patients of CFS are also available.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Coping Techniques

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, like all chronic illnesses, poses a host of stresses that patients have to suffer from. Among the most common are the loss of life roles, ongoing medical expenses, loss of job or source of income, confusing symptoms, and constant medical check-ups with healthcare professionals who sometimes do not fully understand the condition.

With these stresses, it is very important for patients to know how to cope. Coping is integral to the management of the disorder and to some extent recovery from the syndrome. Presented below are some coping techniques that may not only help you deal with the disorder better but can also free you from some of the discomforts it could give.

Establish a positive understanding of the disease. It is not only important to know the nature of the fatigue and its accompanying symptoms but it is also vital that the patient knows how to positively deal with them. Establishing a positive concept regarding CFS is known to help patients respond to the symptoms better and facilitate self-regulatory techniques much more effectively. This is the crux of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a psychological therapy that brings about relief from symptoms by way of establishing a good outlook with respect to the condition.

Avoid excessive resting – It is natural to rest whenever one feels extremely fatigued. However, the reverse is often the more effective technique. Stop the urge of resting as this could debilitate your condition further. Instead, try to incorporate minor activities into your daily life which may include low levels of activities at first.

Then, progress to higher intensity activities, according to what level your body can afford. Do not overexert yourself though as this can also have damaging effects. When in doubt, consult your health care professional, he can recommend therapy options like graded exercise therapy.

Manage your daily activities – Limit your activities according to a well-defined plan. Most patients limit their activities according to the particular activities they can perform in a day. This is counter-productive and should not be done at all costs. The key is to have a consistent pattern of activities that progresses according to the levels of difficulty and required physical exertion. Try to attain a balance between stress, physical exertion and rest.

Don’t focus on the symptoms – It is not uncommon for people to nurse the symptoms of their disease. Despite the fact that this is not helpful, patients still persist with this attitude. Among people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, nursing their pains and aches only lead to higher sensitivities to both as well as to disengagement. Disengagement is an attitude of surrendering in the face of inconvenient experiences (stressors) when they seem too overwhelming.

Hence, disengagement is a poor coping mechanism. Patients of CFS are advised not to give too much emphasis on the pains instead, they are recommended to live with them and conquer the urge of giving up.

Avoid the pitfalls of coping – Most patients fail not because the treatment and therapy they have undergone are not effective but because they try to rush back to their lives prior to the onset of the condition. It is important to understand that chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder that cannot be remedied immediately.

It takes time and patience to progress from one stage of the disorder to another. Most patients who try to achieve immediate relief from symptoms often find themselves rebounding to square one, that is to the stage where the syndrome is most severe.

Chronic Fatigue Diagnosis

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, more commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder or groups of disorders that is characterized by the onset of fatigue that persists for more than 6 months. It is characterized by a host of symptoms that range from muscle and joint pains to decreased ability to perform even the least demanding activities.

This syndrome is diagnosed by examining the symptoms of an individual against two groups of symptoms which are commonly demonstrated by CFS patients.

The first sign that healthcare professionals look for is the persisting chronic fatigue that is not related to any other condition that results to exhaustion. Tolerance to fatigue among CFS patients is very low, thus they get severely exhausted after performing even the simplest and least demanding of tasks. In fact, it is not uncommon for CFS patients to move from one place to another without feeling drained.

Most of them also get sick for several days to several weeks after performing minor activities. Most of them also exhibit flu-like symptoms after performing low intensity tasks.

The second criteria for establishing the presence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the onset of four of any of the following symptoms: myalgia or muscle pains, arthralgia or joint pains in multiple locations, head aches of more serious severity, persistent soar throat which recurs, tenderness of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes, impaired short-term memory and concentration, malaise which is experienced after physical exertion, and sleep disturbance.

Other symptoms that healthcare professionals look for are abdominal pain, bloating, dizziness, nausea, chronic cough, chest pains, shortness of breath, dryness of the mouth and eyes, weight loss, onset of minor and major psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, irritability and panic attacks, diarrhea, alcohol intolerance and skin and tingling sensations.

Diagnosis is facilitated only after all conditions that are known to produce the aforementioned symptoms are ruled out. In general, healthcare professionals encounter difficulty in diagnosing chronic fatigue syndromes due to the similarities and generality of symptoms it presents. Apart from the fact that fatigue is a common result of many diseases, it is also a very common sign of most chronic conditions. CFS also presents no symptoms that are visible and obvious enough for easy identification.

On top of these, there are also no diagnostic and laboratory tests that can help in establishing the presence of the disorder. Patients of CFS also display varying symptoms and level of severity which makes most patient experience differences in symptoms and severity. However through exclusion of the following factors, most doctors can arrive at a diagnosis:

1. The presentation of identifiable conditions that result to fatigue and decreased level of activities. Most doctors look for symptoms of hypothyroidism, a condition wherein the thyroid produces lower levels of thyroid hormones. Other notable conditions that may exhibit symptoms similar with CFS are lupus, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, bipolar disorder, mononucleosis or kissing disease, depression and diabetes.

2. The usage of medications that result to fatigue. Obviously, there are a number of medications, drugs and substances that can cause physical exhaustion.

3. Recurrence of previous diseases, disorders and illness that can produce extreme exhaustion such as cancer.

4. Substance abuse, more specifically excessive alcohol consumption.

5. Obesity which is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) or more than 45.

Causes Of Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Drowsiness is a simple feeling that can be relieved by going to sleep. Fatigue is more serious such that sleep can never relieve the condition. Apathy is more different as it is a condition where one doesn't completely care of the things around them. All three are fatigue symptoms. Fatigue is the condition when one is suffering from tiredness, lack of energy, and weariness. Chronic fatigue symptoms are more serious than what you may think.

They require medical attention as there can be other serious health case overlooked. For example, a thyroid problem can cause fatigue symptoms. Another is the condition of depression, which is different from CFS, but displays similar symptoms such as low energy level and fatigue lasting a day.

Sometimes, the symptoms of chronic fatigue are associated by other illnesses, such as diabetes, addison's disease, eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, arthritis, kidney disease, congestive heart disease, lupus, cancer, and even malnutrition. If the patient is suffering the symptoms due to one of the mentioned diseases, medical advices are needed before giving them any kind of treatment. These symptoms are entirely different from the normal and common chronic fatigue symptoms, which often happen to adults who lead a pretty stressful and unhealthy lifestyle.

Causes of chronic fatigue symptoms can be divided into two types, psychological and physical, which include the following:

• Sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy, or apnea
• Asthma or hay fever
• Hypothyroidism
• Anemia
• Illegal drugs or alcohol regular use
• Ongoing pain
• Grief and depression

There are home care treatments which can help overcome most of the chronic fatigue symptoms. Adequate and regular rest each night is one thing. Eating balanced and healthy diet, as well as drinking lots of water everyday, is another to curb the symptoms. Learning to avoid a sedentary daily lifestyle can bring the energy out of you. Even simple walking and jogging can help you relax. While maintaining a reasonable personal and work schedule will avoid you from getting easily tired. Or avoiding the increase in your stress level will keep those symptoms away.

Also, taking off from stressful circumstances will help you avoid too much stress. Taking vacation, dealing with relationship problems in a calmer way, taking multivitamins, and avoiding stress-triggering activities are simple yet proven ways to avoid those chronic fatigue symptoms. It also works if you avoid too much night life activities as well as refraining from too much consumption of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, or drugs.

Alternative and Natural Remedies

If considering medication, there are alternative or natural remedies which can help the condition. There are different alternatives readily available such as having a reflexology massage. It is not only a good way to relax but it also helps improve your blood circulation. While acupuncture, on the other hand, is perfect for the more adventurous type. It increases physical and mental strength, a very ideal way to help overcome those symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Other natural remedies include meditation, which helps bring in your inner piece. And also aromatherapy, which gives you not only inner peace but helps you instantly relax after a whole day of stress and demands. All these natural remedies are believed to bring effective calming results; however, if the patient is suffering from other illness, it is advised that they seek medical advice from a qualified, professional physician before trying out any of these alternative medications.

Are There Any Chronic Fatigue Treatments?

There is no specific treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome but a combination of treatments is being used by the doctors to alleviate the symptoms and signs. Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is characterized by neurological problems, having flu-like symptoms, and debilitating fatigue, often experienced as poor stamina and extreme exhaustion. There are various core symptoms such as general pain, mental fogginess, excessive fatigue and gastro-intestinal problems, headaches, sleep disorder, sore throat, and abnormal temperature.

Display of symptoms varies among the patients. The degree of their severity varies, which can be between getting easily fatigued after stressful activity, being completely bedridden, and totally disabled. Should the symptoms not indicative of other serious health problems they should wane and disappear over time. For some patients, the chronic fatigue illness starts suddenly with a flu that does not go away completely while for other patients it gradually appears over a period of time. For many patients, the illness is often triggered after involving in high stress circumstance.

The combination is taken from the following treatments:

• Cognitive behavior treatment. This is a therapy combined with the gradual exercise and wherein the patient is treated by dealing with their mental health. The aim is to classify behaviors and negative beliefs that cause delay of recovery and eventually replace with positive, healthy behaviors.

• Moderating daily activities. The patient is encouraged to avoid or reduce excessive psychological and physical stress; however, it is not encouraged to take too much rest. In this treatment, the objective is to gently enhance the stamina and maintain moderate activity level.

• Gradual/steady exercise. This is a kind of exercise program where the patient relies on the help of physical therapist. It aims to increase gradually the level of exercise to improve chronic fatigue symptoms.

• Depression treatment. Depression is treated with serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and tricyclic anti-depressants. The anti-depressant does not only help treat depression but it can also relieve pain and improve sleep.

• Pain treatment. Like depression, pain is medically treated by administering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, like ibuprofen or aspirin, or acetaminophen. These medicines can also aid in lowering the fever and pain.

• Allergy-like treatment. Medical treatment used is antihistamines, like cetirizine, decongestants, and fexofenadine. These drugs help relieve allergy symptoms like runny nose.

• Hypotension treatment. The low blood pressure is treated with drugs like atenolol, midodrine, and fludrocortisones. These are useful when people suffer from chronic fatigue.

• Poor nervous system treatment. Clonazepam is used to treat symptoms like skin tenderness and dizziness while anxiety is treated with alprazolam and lorazepam.

There are experimental therapies that experts continue to research with the aim of finding treatments for the syndrome. These therapies include the following:

• Acupuncture
• Anti-viral drugs
• D-ribose
• Methylphenidate
• Immune globulins
• Cholinesterase inhibitors
• Corticosteroids

The Food Diet

In addition to the above mentioned treatments, health experts advise patients to be careful with their diet. They recommend avoiding diet rich in toxins or those unhealthy foods. Patients should be careful with foods containing carcinogens, aspartame, additives, mono sodium glutamate, amalgam, fluoride, sugar, among others.

Unhealthy foods such as table or refined salt, margarine, hydrogenated fats, chlorinated water, refined oils, junk foods, fried and smoked foods, soft drinks, baking powder, and alcohol drinks can aggravate chronic fatigue symptoms so they must be avoided at most times.

A Quick Look At Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disorder that is characterized by a condition of extreme exhaustion and fatigue that lasts for extended periods of time – usually six months or more. Doctors have yet to uncover what exactly causes this disorder but it is widely believed that a number of factors trigger its onset. These factors include stress, viral infections, hormone levels and lack of adequate sleep.

Poor diet and lack of exercise are also considered as factors that strongly contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Because there is no known exact cause of CFS, doctors find it difficult to diagnose if a patient is indeed suffering from CFS or if the symptoms are actually of another ailment.

The NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) says that in order for a patient to be diagnosed with CFS, he must be suffering from severe chronic fatigue for six months or beyond and at the same time, should have four or more of the following symptoms: impaired short term memory, prolonged feeling of extreme exhaustion, muscle pains, swelling and tenderness of multiple joints and the lymph nodes, recurring sore throat, severe headache and un-refreshing sleep.

Since the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for it at present. Treatments for CFS are meant to relieve the symptoms and improve the patient's bodily functions. Doctors recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Dietary restrictions and nutritional supplements are also used to help suppress the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to therapy, lifestyle changes are also highly recommended.

Although it might seem contradictory, regular exercise is also a good way to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome. However, doctors should carefully supervise any physical activity that the patient does to avoid aggravating the symptoms. Mild exercise for 10-15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of rigorous physical activities such as tennis, swimming, brisk walking and others. Such activities help make the heart stronger and healthier to promote better circulation.

Aside from these, individuals afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome can also do stretching and other relaxation exercises to help manage stress. A doctor should approve any exercise routine to avoid injury or worsening of the CFS symptoms.

Many doctors also recommend herbal remedies because they are natural and effective. There are a number of herbal medicines that CFS victims can take. Echinacea root is known for its ability to boost the immune system. Since viral infection is one of the factors that trigger chronic fatigue syndrome, using Echinacea strengthens the immune system to fight of viruses and eliminate their harmful effects.

Ginseng root, long used in the orient as a herb to restore vitality and energy, can be taken in capsule or tablet form to help keep the body active and strong. Licorice is primarily known for its ability to purge toxins from the body and can help keep the immune system resistant to attacks by viruses.

Aside from herbal medications, just living a healthy life and having a balanced, healthy diet can help the individual overcome the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with the important vitamins and minerals to keep the immune system strong.

An Overview Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is the name given to a debilitating disorder characterized by conditions of extreme and lasting fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also commonly referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME. The name chronic fatigue can be somewhat confusing since chronic or persistent fatigue is also a symptom of several conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion that results from exertion, lack of sleep and illnesses. However, ordinary fatigue is not extreme or persistent, and the patient generally gets better after getting some rest.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue happens when this sensation of extreme exhaustion and lack of energy persists for over six months. The exact cause of chronic fatigue is not known but it is believed that several factors play a role in its symptoms, such as stress, hormone levels and infection. Lack of sleep, insomnia and other sleep disturbances can also result to chronic fatigue. Other factors that contribute to the development of chronic fatigue are poor diet, lack of exercise and certain medications.

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases or NIAMS for a patient to be diagnosed as suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, he must be having severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer. At the same time, the patient should also have four or more of the following symptoms:

Impaired short-term memory and concentration

Prolonged general malaise after physical exertion of any kind

Muscle pain

Pain, swelling and redness in multiple joints

Severe headache

Tender lymph nodes

Recurring sore throat

Un-refreshing sleep

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome can be quite tricky since there are no physical signs that identify it. There are also no diagnostic laboratory tests that confirm chronic fatigue syndrome. A diagnosis of CFS is given if the symptoms recur for six consecutive months or more and there are no apparent explanations for the fatigue such as disease. However, it should be noted that there are other conditions that overlap and sometimes coexist with CFS and have similar symptoms.

A study of patients suffering from CFS revealed that only 38% of the patients were diagnosed solely with the syndrome. The rest had a diagnosis of a number of diseases such as fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity or both. Doctors are still unsure whether these conditions are direct causes or have common causes with CFS; or whether that have no relationship whatsoever with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Treatment and Medication

There is still no known cure for CFS so treatments are aimed at relieving the symptoms and improving the body's functions. To achieve this, doctors usually recommend a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. Lifestyle changes, dietary restrictions, nutritional supplements are also recommended as an addition to drug therapy. Patients who suffer from CFS are also urged to have regular exercise to help reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
However, the doctor should carefully supervise physical activity as this can exacerbate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

It is important that the patient discuss his/her symptoms with the doctor. It is also important that doctors know what other medications the patient is taking since some medications can exaggerate the symptoms of CFS. Recovery rates from chronic fatigue syndrome are varied.

In a 2005 review of published studies on CFS, it was revealed that improvement rates varied from 8% to 63% with 40% of the patients improving during follow-up.

A Guide In Coping With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome are both blessed and cursed. For the most parts, they are relieved by an explanation regarding the sudden plunge in their health. However, they are also cursed by the fact that there is nothing much they can do about it because the cure for CFS is yet to be discovered. Nonetheless, there are medications, therapies and self-care techniques that a person can undergo which can help substantially in relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Here are some suggestions.

Handle your sickness and do not let it handle you – Chronic disorders and illnesses often demand a lot from patients in order for them to control the symptoms. However, the best course of action is to always take the hand in controlling the disorder. If you have spent months or years suffering from this syndrome, it is likely that you have developed a sense of helpless and defeat against the disorder. But this must not be the case. Gain back control and know how to handle the disorder.

Look for simple but effective solutions – Not all CFS treatment may work for you. This is because while there is a general clinical definition of the disorder, there are various levels of severity whereby it occurs. So if you think your prescribed medications are not doing you much good, pass and try to look elsewhere for symptoms relief. There is a host of treatment and therapies you can use which oftentimes go beyond conventional medicine.

Try to look for those. Consult herbalists and alternative medicine therapists and seek treatments that will help your disorder. Ask your doctor about supplements instead of antibiotics and pain relievers. Go to a psychologist and ask whether there are therapies you can undergo to facilitate better coping with your illness. Don’t be limited by pharmacological treatments, experiment on various options and pick some that provide you the most benefits.

Take lessons from each day – With chronic fatigue, you are lucky if you don't feel sick for one day. So for the most parts, you can take note of your symptoms and your responses to treatments and therapies. It is important to keep a journal of your daily experience as this can help guide you on how to better manage your disorder.

Take charge of your healthcare – Take an active role in facilitating the delivery of healthcare services for yourself. If what your doctor gives you does not work, find someone else. Don’t be afraid to get second or third opinion from doctors who are expert in immune system dysfunction. If you don’t respond well to conventional medicine, find other treatments.

Move your body – For most patients, the idea of doing some physical activities is not only impossible but unthinkable. Nonetheless, recent studies have shown that minor physical activities pick up one's energy and health so try undergoing exercise programs. Try graded exercise therapy, for example. According to recent studies, this therapy improves the physical energy and capacity of an individual with chronic fatigue syndrome.

While it is of course hard for the first few months, first few years even, it is always worth the effort. Eventually, with a little activity done each day, the body will regain the strength and vigor that once were available prior to the onset of chronic fatigue.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

5 Ways to Save A Marriage

Marriage is one of the happiest and memorable moments in our lives. It is a union of not only two individuals, but also of two different upbringings and cultures. After a cheerful start of married life, there might be a possibility or beginning of some conflicts. These may be due to some misunderstandings, ego or other personal problems. Sometimes the bitterness in the relation crosses the tolerance level that the couples think of getting separated.

However, a divorce affects the personal and social lives of both the partners. You will be surprised to know that your marriage problems can be resolved. Here are 5 ways to save a marriage that can be effectively implemented in your married life.

The first step to resolve the marriage problems is to agree that they exist. You should be honest with yourself, should be able to identify the differences in your relationships and try to improve them. If your try to go away from the issues, they will never be solved. Accept the situation as it is and be prepared for the challenges which may lie ahead.

It is said that you cannot fight the enemy that you cannot see. This philosophy is absolutely true in case of marriages. If you feel that your husband has changed the way of interaction, then find out the reasons behind it. The best solution is to start the conversation with your spouse and give him several opportunities to ‘open up’. Keep your ears and mind open for the subtle hints from his conversation.

Saving your marriage is not merely solving the problems. Reigniting your love for each other is one of the effective 5 ways to save a marriage. You can express your passion for your partner with special dates or surprises. Remember the most romantic times you spent together and recreate them with an addition of a unique approach.

Give some time for each other to share the feelings. The purpose is to grab the attention of your partner and make your relationships healthy with natural attraction. If you are successful in developing the passion for each other, then other problems can be immediately solved.

There may be many obstacles when you are trying to fix the relationships. It might be difficult for you to communicate with your husband or you may be facing outside pressures from the family which may prevent you to focus on your goals. Even after facing these barriers, you should be persistent on your aims. If one approach fails, you can try another approach that may work. You should be able to handle the conflicts safely.

One of the important steps among 5 ways to save a marriage is to seek the right advice from your friends and family. You should try to get an expert advice from counseling sessions or books before you take any major decision. A wise advice can save your marriage, while bad advice may ruin it.

Knowing about 5 ways to save a marriage, you would be able to resolve the problems if any in your marriage and live a happy married life.

How To Live A Healthy Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Imagine a lifetime of sickness, of perpetual headaches and of endless flu-like illness. Imagine being unable to walk from your bed to the couch because of too much exhaustion. Imagine being locked up in your house, unable to go to work to earn a living. Well, that sums up life for most sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a disorder both of the mind and the body. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, CFS also afflicts the immune system which makes an individual become very sickly. It also affects one's threshold to physical activities, thus making an individual feel worn out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, it limits a person to very minimal activities which make him incapable of holding a job.

With these realities, it is hard to imagine how one can live a normal, healthy life while suffering from chronic fatigue. But can a normal life materialize if you are continuously bothered by the symptoms of this disease? Most likely yes. Below are some of the things that one can do to limit the negative effects of the disease on yourself and on your life.

Remove the diets that spell disaster - It is easy to sabotage one's health these days by just following the average American's sense of food proportions, by consuming too much processed foods and by eating too many flour- and sugar-based foods. Sugar is notorious for killing the diets of Americans and so are flour, transfat, processed foods, etc. These types of foods are accounted for numerous diseases that upset health.

Since these foods take up so much space on the plate, nothing is left for foods with high nutritive values anymore. And for people suffering from CFS, it is crucial to maintain a certain level of nutrition in the body. So always try to eat healthy foods, this would lessen some of the biggest problems concerning your condition such as infection and weakened immune system.

Conquer Chronic Fatigue - If you are a sufferer of CFS, you understand that it is easier to stay in bed than to work around the house when you are seriously exhausted. However, it is important to maintain some form of physical activity. Try not to give in to exhaustion and incorporate activity to your daily life. Eventually, you would be able to exercise without getting too worn out.

Win over the illness mentality - In the face of chronic diseases, it is a lot more convenient to let negative thoughts defeat you. Try to picture a life free from chronic fatigue and try to make that picture your goal. Think that your condition is just a state of mind and changes in thinking would liberate you from the troubles of your disease. If you use this technique, which is actually a sound psychotherapeutic technique called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you would not only help alleviate the symptoms of your condition but you can also prevent these from bothering you again.

Discover techniques that can treat your condition - Since the cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is yet to be established, you might as well discover one for yourself. There are actually treatment techniques that you can formulate for yourself as bases of your self-care system.

These can be made from careful observation of activities and treatments that you respond well to.

How Does It Feel Like To Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has varying levels of severity. Some people only experience lack of peaceful sleep, intermittent headaches and overwhelming exhaustion while other people experience anywhere from 4 to 30 full-blown symptoms which occur simultaneously. While there are a lot of symptoms oftentimes associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there are a few that are commonly reported by patients. Among them are the following:

Overwhelming fatigue – People with this syndrome wake up like they just got hit by a truck and feel worn out all day. There are, however, periods which run from a few hours to several hours a day when they feel a bit better. What most of them try to do during these periods is to make up from the lost time they stayed rested in the bed. This backfires on them and they rebound to being exhausted. Whenever they try to do physical activities or exercises, they would get drained easily and would feel worse the next day.

Recurrent infections – Among the major symptoms of CFS is infection which may manifest as sore throat, recurrent sinusitis, bladder infection, swollen glands and other respiratory infections. Some patients experience recurrent rash that may or may not go away with antibiotics. Digestive complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and gas are also very common which are caused basically by the build-up of yeast in the bowel, or by parasitic infection or by spastic colon.

Brain Fog – While overwhelming fatigue is one of the most debilitating symptoms a patient of CFS can experience, the scariest, however, is brain fog. Not a few patients complain of this symptom which may affect their short term memory, their concentration, and their ability to substitute words with another. Some of them also experience brief disorientation which may last anywhere from half a minute to one minute.

Frequent Aches and Pains – Muscle pain and multiple joint pains are very common among CFS patients. These are said to be products of lack of sufficient rest or disordered sleep, yeast infections, impaired thyroid glands and lack of nutrition in the body.

Increased thirst – Patients of CFS drink two to three times more water than average individuals. This is caused by hormonal problems which lead to increased urine output.

Allergies – Because of yeast overgrowth and other conditions occurring in the body of a fatigue patients, allergies and food sensitivities are very common. By removing the causes, of course, the allergies can be removed. However, these patients have histories of poor response towards allergy medications.

Weight gain – With or without change in diet, fatigue patients experience 20 to 50 pounds weight gain. Apart from lack of activities, the packing up of pounds is also contributed by hormonal changes.

Depression and anxiety – The development of these psychological problems push healthcare providers back to the classic chicken and egg question: does fatigue cause anxiety and depression or is it a product of these psychological conditions? As of yet, no one is certain. It is proposed, however, that some factors are instrumental in aggravating these conditions including poor nutrition and general sense of illness.

Reduced libido – Because of hormonal deficiencies, pain and the general feeling of being sick, people affected by CFS have decreased libido. Fortunately, this improves through medication and therapy.

You probably have recognized yourself from reading the above list. If you think you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it would be in your best interest to consult a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable in this disorder.

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